Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello, My Name is Emily and I'm Addicted to...Fringe

So, I don't like Star Trek, which is what I always considered the epitome of SyFy, so I never considered myself a science fiction freak. I was shocked when I admitted that I LOVE the TV show Fringe and some commented, "So, you're a syfy freak, too, huh?"  So, I guess I'll be the first to admit that if "Fringe" is syfy, then yes, I am a "syfy freak"! Being a mother of 2 I can't keep up with the current seasons, so I wait until it comes out on DVD and order it. I love to watch the whole season at one time...I don't have the patience to wait each week! With that being is that time of year! I just received my season 3 today and will probably spend my weekend watching it! Yes, I am a certified dork! Now, if I could just get my husband to like it...


  1. I´m glad I found you because your blog is awesome!
    xx =P

  2. i actually really like that show too! i don't watch it regularly but there was a time period it was on a fair amount and i would watch it

